You know whats really good? The new doctor who.
I've been watching it since last season, it's really good. Of course its not hard sci fi, its meant to be kind of fun and funny.
The last episode with the wereworf and queen victoria was a hoot. Last season CBC was showing it, but they don't appear to be doing that this season, so I have to find it by nefarious means. I think there is something else brewing a la the badwolf thing.
i can't wait to see K9 and Anthony Stewart head in the next ep. Looks like its gonna be jolly good fun!
We're so far behind in the U.S. We still haven't even seeen the defabricator episode yet.
ReplyDeleteTasty tasty captain jack... God I love that character. Of course he is going to star in his own series in the dro who universe. Torchwood. I'm looking forward to it.