Last night I met Ryan. Ryans about 6'1, blonde, kinda skinny, but hot as hell. I met him at subway. We apparently work togeather. I had never seen him beforeyesterday, but we have worked togeather at the same workplace for like 2 years. So we got talking, and it came around to him not having a car. I offered (with alterior motives) to drive him home after work. I waited all day, taking calls I couldn't get my mind off of him. I love taller guys. Im like 6' but when a guy is a little taller, yumm. Of course im a slut and like em almost any size.
So, after work we meet up in the parking lot. Both a little frazzled from the day, but still kidding around. He lived a fair bit away, so I got to take the long way. My palms were sweating at this point, I don't usually like to hunt where I work. You know, awkward things at work and all, but he was worth it. Sitting there, nice jeans on, nice bulge in those jeans too. Just casual guy sitting there.
I was sort of verbally feeling him out, seeing what his thoughts were on some things. When I remembered my favourite saying... "Gas grass or ass, no one rides for free" So I laughingly told him that. He sort of blinked and let out a little laugh. Bingo! That's the signal I needed.
I slowed the car and made my way towards a secluded road I knew. It was only 6pm, but it was dark enough to make the possible.
"Ryan, I've been thinking about sucking that dick all day man"
He blinked again, this time sort of looking at me like he wsan't shocked, but still kinda surprised at the abruptness of it. I reached my hand out and rubbed his thigh. He didn't brush it away. Which was good.
I slowly started rubbing my hand up the thigh and got to the sweet spot. He closed his eyes and sighed a sigh of contentment.
The car was in an old driveway to a torn down house, the trees making for good cover. So, I started unzipping him. His dick was semi hard when I started to grope him, but by the time I got his fly down he was totally hard. His cock was beutiful. About 6 inches uncut, beutiful foreskin that shapes a little rosebud at the top of his cock. His pubes were a little darker blonde than his hair. Leaning over I could smell the sweat from the day at work. His cock smelled like the most perfect thing ever.
I used my tongue to getthe foreskin back. The head was like a fleshy piece of paradise. he was already starting to precum, and it tasted salty and creamy. Uncut boys always precum a lot in my experience, and I love it. I had my tongue in his foreskin, licking at his cock head, blowing on it. He was squirming and making these little grunting noises. I could tell he was really really sensative. With my hands I pulled his pants and underwear down farther, got them to just above his knees.
Leaning back to admire him I reached down and slowly worked his froeskin back revealing his head. It was nicely swollen, almost a deep purple colour. Slick with my sweat and a small bead of precum leaking out of the tip. I started to slowly jack him with my left hand. With my right hand I started to unzip his jacket. Then my hand was under his shirt rubbing his chest. My hand must have glanced over one of his nipples he let a gasp out and the precum flow almost doubled. Aha! I thought to myself.
Still slowly jacking him with my left hand I started to pull his shirt up over his head. Getting it hitched behind is neck his entire chest was visable. He was like most blondes, totally hairless, but he had a nicely developed chest. No abs, but a nice flat stomach, and a nice set of nipples. Leaning over I gave his left nipple a little lick. He shivered like electricity was shooting through him. I was so getting him over the edge, I love when men are like this, like a puppet on a string.
His cock was hot in my hand, his nipple in my mouth was throbbing. the precum was leaking all around my hand as I jacke d him off. I was sucking on his nipple and decided to just rub my thumb over the top of his cock head, using the precum as lube. He almost screamed.
It was awesome, he arched his back, and made this deep inhalation like a man in an electric chair. Man was he sensative. When he came back down he was panting like a bitch in heat.
Leaving his chest I went back down to sucking his dick. I was playing with his nuts with my left hand while I started really going down on him. I was through playing I wanted him to nut. I could take the whole cock, no problem. Everytime I got it in all the way the head would hit the back of my throat and he would gasp. I could tell he was getting close, but I could play him like a violin, every time he would get too close I would slow down, or apply enough pressure at the base of his cock to get it to slow down. He was sweating, and he was all flushed red. After a little while of this cat and mouse he started mumbling, "fuck fuck oh god." I could tell he wasn't just on the edge, he was going to blow. I picked up the pace. When I knew he was going to cum I pulled back. He shot like a fountain. I don't know what he's been doing withat that cock but it can't be fucking. He shot so much cum and so far that it hit the steering wheel. His cock didn't immediatly deflate. He lay there breathing heavy, chest heaving in and out, his chest still flushed red covered in his own cum. He was beutiful. Reaching over I rubbed his chest. He felt just like a horse after a race. his heart was thudding in his chest, a light sheen of sweat covered him. Beutiful.
He looked at me, his glazed over eyes looking into mine.
"Thanks" he whispered.
"You're beutiful" I couldn't help but replying.
He smiled an near exhausted smile. He started pulling himself back togeather. Pulling his shirt down. When he went to pull his pants back up I stopped him.
"Give me your underwear"
He gave me an odd look, but did what I wanted. They were grey fruit of the loom briefs and they smelled as sweet as his balls.
When he got completly dressed we continued on our way. His place was dark when we arrived but there was a car that just got in the drive way. Ryan said thanks for the drive, and said we should make it a regular thing. He got out and walked over to the car in the driveway. He opened the driver side door leaned down and kissed the driver. Helping her out with her bags he waved at me and smiled. As I drove away I could see the two of them start carrying grocery bags to the house.